STD RECORDS                             BELGIUM

Owner   : Thomas Bullock
Distr.  : BE -
          UK - Piccadilly
Style   : psychedelic / post punk /

STD     01      THE HANKINS MOUNTAINEERS : White White Spider Bite      12"     08.2011
                // The Hankins Mountaineers
                (Note : 12" hand-screen printed sleeve , 100 copies)
STD     04      TOM OV ENGLAND : Cambridge Man // Mountain Girls        12"     02.2014
                (Note : lim. pressing in hand screen printed sleeve.
                Includes STD sticker)
STD     05      TOM OF ENGLAND : Germans In The Jungle // Be Me         12"     03.2014
                (Note : lim. 12" in hand-stamped sleeve with insert.
                333 copies only.)
STD     06      TOM OV ENGLAND          BAD LEATHER                     12"     08.2014

        A.      Bad Leather
        B.      The Definite Masculine Article


STD     09      DAVE I.D.               GORE                            12"     07.2017

        1.      Blow
        2.      Say Something
        3.      I Hope He Loves It
        4.      Grip (I Need You Better)
        5.      Help Starts
        6.      Living Inside Us
        7.      Lying
        8.      Take It Now (Worldy)
        9.      Yeah
STD     1201    WET                     THAT'S THE GAME                 12"     03.2015

        A1      That's The Game (Vocal)
        B1      That's The Game (Instrumental)
        B2      That's The Game (Dynamic Mix)