OWN RECORDS                             P.O.Box 135
***********                             4002 Esch/Alzette


Owner   : Helio P. Camacho/Valentin Sanchez/Emile Hengen
Start   : 1999
Distr.  : LU - Konkurrent
          FR - Differ-Ant
          UK - Piccadilly
Style   : electronic / ambient / drum'n'bass / downtempo / indie / experimental
          / emo / abstract / folk / post rock / shoegazer / ethereal / lo-fi /
          alternative / math rock / post hardcore / noise / modern classical /

OWNREC  001     SugRcane                IN2 THE SKIES                   CDEP    02.1999

        1       In2 The Skies                                   6:18
        2       The Love 4 Trees                                6:27
        3       Interlude                                       2:03
        4       Lucky #12                                       5:01
        5       Everyday...                                     8:37
OWNREC  002     SugRcane                WHERE THE END BEGINS            CDR     09.2000

        1       Astral Nights                                   1:02
        2       Floating Over A Lost World                      6:22
        3       Friends                                         6:34
        4       Hapiness Is...                                  9:21
        5       Hopeless                                        5:35
        6       I Apologize Little Bird                         6:00
        7       You'll Never Be Alone                           8:41





OWNREC# 008     TIGER FERNANDEZ         TIGER FERNANDEZ                 3"CDR     .2000

        1       Not That Deep
        2       The Model
        3       I Used To Wear Pyjamas
        4       Waterfall
        5       Talebuilder


        1       Asinello #3
        2       Un Voyage En Mongolfiere
        3       Khalil
        4       Borderline
        5       Un Reve, Une Evolution
        6       Walkin' Like Charlie C.
        7       Mood M-69
        8       Children Shall Rule The World
        9       Carrousel



OWNREC# 14      SONGS FROM SAFARA       SONGS FROM SAFARA               CD        .2000

        1       Ode To Accattone
        2       Time Reducer
        3       Oh Well
        4       Collapse
        5       Distress
        6       Songs







OWNREC# 22      STEREONERIC & 8-UNG     L'HOMME QUI                     CDR       .2001

        1       -                                               19:05
        2       -                                               17:26
        3       Quick Time Sequence Video                       18:07


OWNREC# 25      SugRcane                TON CD DE MOI                   CD        .2002

        1       Blue Sky On A Rainy Day
        2       Do What You Like
        3       Le Temps Passe Vite
        4       Ca[pa]ble
        5       ...
        6       Hard Times To Focus
        7       Mon Tube De L'Eté
        8       Cold Wide [Landscape] Dliw Edoc
        9       ...
        10      Song For Joana
        11      Grey Sky On A Sunny Day
OWNREC# 26      PASO DOBLE : HOPE DWELLS WITHIN OUR HEARTS              CD        .2003

        1       Azul
        2       Dead Man
        3       Esteban
        4       Bring Back
        5       What Is Lost
        6       Memoria
        7       Lowery June
        8       Km
OWNREC# 027     TIGER FERNANDEZ         THE FINAL EP                    CDEP      .2004

        1       Bla Bla
        2       Weapon Kids and Their Rage
        3       Scenic Pastures
        4       Running Naked
OWN     028     GREGOR SAMSA            27:36                           CDEP    02.2004

        1       Untitled                                        6:52
        2       Untitled                                        9:02
        3       Untitled                                        11:42
OWNREC# 29      31KNOTS : THE CURSE OF THE LONGEST DAY                  CDEP    11.2004

        1       Welcome to Stop                                 4:49
        2       The Corpse and the Carcass                      5:03
        3       Untitled [unlisted]                             1:24
        4       The Story of Ivan Normal                        4:34
        5       Coward with Claws                               4:54
OWNREC  30      31 KNOTS                THAT LIKE BLOOD                 CD        .2005

        1       City Of Dust                                    3:39
        2       Hearsay                                         3:59
        3       Thousand Wars                                   1:38
        4       Intuition Imperfected                           3:27
        5       Chain Reaction                                  6:05
        6       Untitled                                        2:07
        7       A Void Employs A Kiss                           3:18
        8       Proxy And Dominion                              2:14
        9       Talk Like Blood                                 4:13
        10      Busy Is Bold                                    3:58
        11      Impromptu Disproving                            3:26
OWNREC# 31      THE DUST DIVE           ASLEEP OR AWAKE WALK            CD      12.2005
OWNREC# 32      GREGOR SAMSA            55:12                           LP.CD   03.2006

        1       Makeshift Shelters                              4:52
        2       Even Numbers                                    10:06
        3       What I Can Manage                               7:11
        4       Loud and Clear                                  2:51
        5       These Points Balance                            7:41
        6       Young and Old                                   7:33
        7       We'll Lean That Way Forever                     3:41
        8       Lessening                                       6:36
OWNREC# 33      UZI AND ARI             IT IS FREEZING OUT              CD      11.2006

        1       It Is Freezing Out
        2       Don't Black Out
        3       Trainwreck
        4       Asleep In Armor
        5       Soggy Snow Shoes (On the Front Porch)
        6       Tiny House
        7       Influenza
        8       Mountain / Molehill
        9       Drowsy, Drowsy
        10      Estella
OWNREC# 34      BEXAR BEXAR             TROPISC                         CD      04.2007

        1       Patterned Like Lovers                           3:34
        2       Listening To Your Party                         4:53
        3       Tearing Apart The Noise She Makes               3:16
        4       Oil Thumbprints                                 4:00
        5       Cotton In The Grossness                         3:48
        6       The Messy Message                               3:09
        7       Sweet Devil                                     3:09
        8       A Little More South                             2:27
        9       Window Piece                                    2:26
        10      Unsettled And Unable                            6:17
OWNREC  35      SIX TWILIGHTS           SIX TWILIGHTS                   CD+DVD  07.2007

CD      1       Still Talk                                      6:23
        2       Oak Trees Like Stray Hairs                      6:33
        3       Enclosed Piece Of Sky                           5:14
        4       Tonight I'm Letting You Drive                   3:52
        5       The Way You Smile                               5:06
        6       Full With Snow                                  8:09
        7       I Can't Even Begin To Tell You                  2:59
        8       How You Get To See The Light Move All Day       4:47
        9       Scarf, Bed                                      12:44
        10      Still Talk (Acoustic)                           3:08

DVD     1.1     Twilight Definitions                            3:09
        1.2     Oak Trees Like Stray Hairs                      6:51
        1.3     This Is Waking Up With You Number Five          2:14
        1.4     A Still Talk                                    3:40
        1.5     No One Should Be Alone                          5:02
        1.6     The Holidays May Be Over But We Still Have A
                Lot Left To Give                                10:22
        1.7     Full With Snow                                  8:11
        1.8     That Is Not The Way You Smile                   5:41
        1.9     This Is The Newest Day So Far                   1:39
        1.10    The Ocean Comes To Islington Street             3:53
        1.11    They Must Have Their Details                    2:32
        1.12    But Why Should We Realy On New Things To
                Replace Old Things?                             2:11
        1.13    Searf, Bed                                      9:31
        1.14    Birds Awake                                     2:56
OWNREC# 36      WORRYTRAIN : FOG DANCE, MY MOTH KINGDOM                 CD      10.2007

        1       Prelude for Piano and Malaria                   4:46
        2       Celestial Police                                2:40
        3       For Aushwitz                                    3:13
        4       Thundertrance Interlude                         3:05
        5       Achtung, God                                    3:18
        6       Hospitalized                                    1:49
        7       Soviet Passages                                 2:12
        8       White Phosphorus Angels                         6:19
        9       The Moth Screamed Harvest                       2:43
        10      Saturniidae                                     5:12
        11      Cambodia (Piano Duet)                           3:45
        12      Exorcism for Cello and Malaria                  6:54
        13      The Trenches Choir                              8:47
        14      Ode to Faithful Kataklysm                       2:37
        15      End Theme                                       1:48
OWNREC  37      THE DUST DIVE           CLAWS OF LIGHT                  CD        .2007

        1       Babyface In A Pickup Truck                      2:54
        2       Screen Light Flu                                4:57
        3       Claws Of Light                                  3:26
        4       Rope Swing 2000                                 5:30
        5       Cut The Day With A Steak Knife                  3:26
        6       Catfish From The Pharaohs                       2:45
        7       Starlet/Miss Brooklyn                           4:34
        8       Green River                                     3:26
        9       Gowanus Meadowlarks                             2:40
        10      Fort Acid                                       2:41
        11      Postcards Of Real Worlds                        5:15
        12      East Fork Rainbow                               3:45
OWNREC# 38      GREGOR SAMSA            REST                            LP.CD   04.2008

        1       The Adolescent                                  5:32
        2       Ain Leuh                                        5:27
        3       Abutting, Dismantling                           6:13
        4       Company                                         2:19
        5       Jeroen Van Aken                                 8:22
        6       Rendered Yards                                  2:33
        7       Pseudonyms                                      6:12
        8       First Mile, Last Mile                           7:30
        9       Du Meine Leise                                  3:49
OWNREC  39      KHALE                   SLEEPWORK                       CD      05.2008

        1       Garrison                                        2:00
        2       The Living Desert                               3:56
        3       Little Black Bed                                3:26
        4       Meanwhile, as I Await Guests                    2:34
        5       Caldas                                          4:26
        6       Wild to See You                                 4:56
        7       Assemble the Meal                               2:04
        8       My Little Sister's Curiosity                    5:36
        9       Sleepworks                                      3:13
        10      Working...                                      3:41 
OWNREC# 40      TaughMe                 LADY                            CD      09.2008

        1       Invocation
        2       Dearest
        3       Strangeness
        4       Gather
        5       Stomping Of Boots
        6       Lady
        7       Gallop
        8       I Told Ya So
        9       Heaviest
        10      Please
        11      Your Struggle Using My Chest
        12      Stranger Struggle
        13      Leave Our Hearts
OWNREC# 41      UZI AND ARI             HEADWORMS                       CD      10.2008

        1       Missoula
        2       Wolf Eggs
        3       Patron Saints
        4       Headworms
        5       Comforts
        6       Magpie's Monologue
        7       Thumbsucker
        8       Hold Your Horses
        9       Ghosts on the Windowsill
        10      Paper Cuts
OWNREC# 42      SQUARES ON BOTH SIDES : INDICATION                      CD      02.2009

        1       Pripyat
        2       Kitsune
        3       Temples 1
        4       The Lines We Seize
        5       Cantaloupes
        6       Temples 2
        7       Presence
        8       Author
        9       The Photographic Gun
        10      Indication
        11      Teleraphy

        1       Beautiful Thougts From Spanish And German
                Soldiers                                        2:29
        2       Strelka                                         4:13
        3       Night Of The Pelican Street Sweeper             3:38
        4       Shaky Science                                   3:26
        5       Transient Color Glories                         1:19
        6       On And On Submerged Ark                         4:52
        7       For All Our Dead Friends                        4:19
        8       CFHC                                            2:59
        9       Abandoned Greenhouse                            1:15
        10      Personal Tornados                               1:26
OWNREC# 44      CHARGE GROUP            ESCAPING MANKIND                CD        .2009

        1       Lunar MOdule                                    5:41
        2       Partial Glowing                                 2:50
        3       Redcoats & Convicts                             5:50
        4       Pax #1                                          0:21
        5       Vice'D                                          4:21
        6       Speakeasy Death Song                            8:42
        7       The Contest                                     4:25
        8       Lullaby For The Apocalypse                      5:06
        9       Pax #2                                          4:36
        10      Morning Of Superheroes                          4:19
OWNREC# 45      TALONS'                 SONGS FOR BABES                 CD      09.2009

        1       Natalie                                         1:16
        2       Maddy                                           2:35
        3       Erin                                            1:25
        4       Angela                                          1:46
        5       Rachel                                          2:27
        6       Mich                                            1:49
        7       Juice                                           4:57
        8       Sam                                             3:34
        9       Taz                                             2:04
        10      'Cole                                           2:15
        11      Lula                                            4:06
        12      Sommer                                          1:44
OWNREC# 46      FIREKITES               THE BOWERY                      CD        .2009

        1       Last Ships
        2       Autumn Story
        3       Paris
        4       Same Suburb Different Park
        5       By Night
        6       Skimming Rooftops
        7       Another State
        8       Mirror Miracle
        9       Worn Weary
        10      New Year Has Spoken
OWNREC# 47      THE GREEN KINGDOM       TWIG AND TWINE                  CD      11.2009

        1       Into the Magic Night                            3:52
        2       Autumn Eyes                                     3:36
        3       The Promise of Spring                           4:01
        4       Crystal Window                                  5:27
        5       Maplecopter                                     8:04
        6       What Birds See                                  3:31
        7       Orange Saturday Morning                         5:34
        8       River Bends Park                                7:27
        9       The Green Bridge                                3:05
OWNREC# 48      CHIHEI HATAKEYAMA       GHOSTLY GARDEN                  CD      04.2010

        1       Shadows                                         8:02
        2       Voices                                          3:45
        3       Cave                                            5:51
        4       Slight Trail                                    3:53
        5       Voices II                                       2:40
        6       Stone Wall Island                               6:23
        7       Sacred Flowers                                  7:08
        8       Ghostly Garden                                  10:35
OWNREC# 49      TROUBLE BOOKS           GATHERED TONES                  CD      03.2010

        1       Ascending Kidney                                3:44
        2       Past The New Parking Deck                       3:29
        3       From Colfax Place                               1:49
        4       Arms Full Of Lemons                             3:11
        5       Abandoned Monorail Station                      4:18
        6       Tropical Islands, Germany                       3:11
        7       Night Indoors                                   2:45
        8       Dazzle Ships (Parts IV + V)                     1:16
        9       Sudden Loop                                     1:39
        10      Dusk Accelerator                                3:00
        11      Houseplants                                     3:37
OWNREC# 50      S : I'M NOT AS GOOD AT IT AS YOU                        CD      04.2010

        1       Wait                                            3:38
        2       Not a Problem                                   2:48
        3       Away Around This                                3:21
        4       Save Me                                         3:32
        5       This Is Love                                    2:01
        6       Save You                                        3:34
        7       We Are Not Friends                              3:46
        8       The Message                                     2:03
        9       This Way Always                                 3:51
        10      R.I.P. Calgon                                   4:28
        11      Through It All                                  3:21
        12      Outro (The Agony)                               5:25
OWNREC# 51      TRAVELS                 ROBBER ON THE RUN               CD      06.2010

        1       Swimming
        2       Burr Song
        3       Shine
        4       Staring Back
        5       Smile
        6       Warm In Winter
        7       City Lights
        8       Friends In Bands
        9       What You Haven't Seen
        10      Fiction
        11      My Funny Valentine
OWNREC# 52      NATUREBOY               NATUREBOY                       CD        .2010

        1       Curses Fired                                    3:44
        2       Pariah                                          3:24
        3       Famous Sons                                     3:41
        4       Bad Dream                                       4:39
        5       Dither                                          2:36
        6       Heart To Fool                                   6:02
        7       Railroad Apt.                                   2:49
        8       Broken Train                                    5:13
        9       Over & Out                                      4:01
OWNREC# 53      SQUARES ON BOTH SIDES   SALT MEADOWS                    CD      09.2010

        1       Animals                                         5:24
        2       Taking Them to the Heath                        1:50
        3       Castles (Free)                                  4:16
        4       Environments                                    3:31
        5       Water From the Tap                              5:04
        6       Engage                                          5:18
        7       Chestnuts                                       2:48
        8       Russian Bread                                   5:10
        9       Salt Meadows                                    4:27

        1       Sister                                          5:57
        2       Ocean In View                                   2:33
        3       Sleep Green                                     4:54
        4       Wine                                            6:54
        5       Wallflower                                      8:03
OWNREC# 55      TALONS'                 SONGS FOR BOATS                 CD      02.2011

        1       Rowboat                                         2:48
        2       Old Kayak                                       2:40
        3       Catamaran                                       5:42
        4       Ferry                                           1:54
        5       Skiboat                                         2:03
        6       My Life Is A Rotten Chris-Craft                 3:18
        7       Lost Ships                                      3:42
        8       Royal Caribbean                                 2:23
        9       ...On A Gold Spray-Painted Waverunner           2:36
        10      Sailboat                                        3:21
        11      Lifeboat                                        1:15
        12      The Cleveland Rocks                             5:01

        1       El pequeno huésped sigue dormido                7:37
        2       Los ninos escriben poemas en tiras de papel rojo 5:00
        3       Elin                                            2:35
        4       La casa de los abuelos                          4:53
        5       El éxtasis de las flores pequenas               3:16
        6       Atardecer en las montanas                       6:21
        7       Kim                                             5:43
OWNREC# 57      MOMBI                   THE WOUNDED BEAT                CD      04.2011

        1       Monsoon                                         3:02
        2       Time Goes                                       3:11
        3       Glowing Beatdown                                3:57
        4       The Misunderstanding                            3:56
        5       Cascade Cliffs (Looking Down)                   4:13
        6       Fort                                            4:31
        7       More Coal for the Miners and More Meals to Be
                Given Out                                       2:59
        8       A General Map of Love                           6:06
OWNREC# 58      THOMAS MERY             LES COULEURS, LES OMBRES        CD      05.2011

        1       Du Sirop                                        7:37
        2       Ou De La Pluie                                  6:30
        3       Aux Fenetres Immenses                           11:40
        4       De L'amour, De La Colere                        5:33
        5       Ça                                              5:48
        6       En Silence                                      5:01
OWNREC# 59      TOMOYOSHI DATE          OTOHA                           CD      11.2011

        1       A Street Corner of OIA
        2       A Spring on the Hill
        3       Unfurling of Young Leaves
        4       Emergence of the Forest
        5       Floating Light on the Waves
        6       The Sound of the Moon
OWNVIN# 60      WILLAMETTE              ALWAYS IN POSTSCRIPT EP         10"     01.2012

        A1      Portrait of a Sleeping Girl With Radio
        A2      Un court theme pour Lyla
        A3      A Year of Failure, a Year of Fortune
        A4      Balustrade (Hand Writ)
        B1      Open Wounds (For J.N.)
        B2      Avenue Heights, Carouselled Horse
        B3      Images d'une longueur de cheveux
        B4      Always in Postscript
OWNREC# 61      CHARGE GROUP            CHARGE GROUP                    CD      03.2012

        1       The Gold Is Gone                                6:08
        2       Broken Sunlight                                 3:33
        3       Volcano                                         3:09
        4       Resistencia                                     4:32
        5       Run                                             4:16
        6       The Jaguar Complex                              3:58
        7       Dominoes                                        3:10
        8       I Saw the Leaves Falling Back to Their Branches 6:18
        9       Search Party                                    4:23
        10      Hearth of Your Home                             6:53
        11      Janet Song                                      2:58
OWNVIN# 62      GOOD NIGHT & GOOD MORNING : NARROWING TYPE              LP      04.2012

        A1      Jill
        A2      Philadelphia
        A3      Median I
        A4      Median II
        B1      Key Studies
        B2      Japanese Thread
        B3      Abroad & Neutral
OWNVIN  63      TINY RUINS              SOME WERE MEANT FOR SEA         LP        .2012

        1       Old As The Hills
        2       Priest With Balloons
        3       You’ve Got The Kind Of Nerve I Like
        4       Death Of A Russian
        5       Adelphi Apartments
        6       Little Notes
        7       Cat In The Hallway
        8       Running Through The Night
        9       Just Desserts
        10      Pigeon Knows
        11      Bird In The Thyme
        12      The Oldest Bar In Town
OWNVIN# 64      MELODIA                 SAUDADES                        LP      02.2013

        A1      The Spirit of Rain Arrives to the Forest
        A2      The Rise of Early Morning
        B1      Riverside of the Poet's House
        B2      Walking Memories in the Sunlight and Leaves
        B3      Music Box for Nils and Noé
OWNREC  65      JARED SMITH             FJALL                           7DL     05.2013

        1       A Steep Drop                                    4:11
        2       Part One                                        5:37
        3       Clouds Up Above,                                4:37
        4       Tracing Curves Below                            3:41
        5       Part Two                                        7:55
        6       Quiet, For a Time                               6:35
        7       Burnout                                         7:03
OWNVIN# 66      PAUSAL                  SKY MARGIN                      LP      01.2014

        A1      Vapour                                          2:45
        A2      Distance                                        5:15
        A3      Trails                                          2:37
        A4      Celestial                                       5:43
        B1      Balance                                         2:44
        B2      Topography                                      3:56
        B3      Solstice                                        3:50
        B4      Utopian                                         5:17
                (Note : LP , 300 copoies)

        A1      Friends, Forgetting
        A2      Hands Are Two Week Departures
        A3      A Candy Coated October
        A4      In New Freedom, Pennsylvania
        B1      When West Coast Winter Arrives
        B2      Rust Flakes and Thinks Snow
        B3      We
        B4      Slept the Whole Way Home
OWNVIN  68      DAVID ANDREE+JOSH MASON : CALL, RESPONSE                LP      01.2014

        a1      (in)                                            3:45
        a2      Winter To Spring, Further Than First Thought    8:19
        a3      Ripple, Slight Breeze                           7:09
        b1      A Beacon, Peace And A Steambath                 8:42
        b2      In Need Of Rest, Psalm Of Palms                 8:43
        b3      (out)                                           1:04




