ABSTRAKCE                               SPAIN
*********                               Valencia


Start   : 2016
Owner   :  Joni Kosmos & Guillermo Cerdá
Distr.  : SP - B.F.E.
          UK - Norman/Boomkat/
          NE - Shiny Beast
Style   : experimental / industrial / wave / electro / tribal / ambient /

ABST    001     THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS : The Seismic Bleats Of         LP      02.2016
                Quantum Sheep

        A1      Colonel Sanders
        A2      The Rising Sun
        A3      Checkpoint
        A4      Meditation
        B1      Quantum Leap
        B2      Love You Long Time
                (Note : LP , 300 copies in letterpress sleeve)
                (Note : LP , green ink)

        A1      Orlando : Theme For A Telephatic Amphibian      3:14
        A2      Orlando                 Fortress Of Pillows     3:46
        A3      Orlando                 Submarine Dance         0:56
        A4      Orlando                 Ghost Maze              3:05
        A5      Orlando                 Race!                   3:13
        A6      Orlando : The End Of The Endless Game           2:40
        A7      Orlando                 Turbulent Capsule       1:00
        B1      Tomaga                  Amphibious Data         2:03
        B2      Tomaga                  Giant Bitmap            5:13
        B3      Tomaga                  Tiny Circles            0:44
        B4      Tomaga                  Sittisk Polk            3:08
        B5      Tomaga                  Lethal Sugars           1:07
        B6      Tomaga : Impossible Worlds Collide              2:17
        B7      Tomaga                  Unruly Gloam            3:56
ABST    003     Jonas Reinhardt/Jurgen Muller : The Encyclopedia of     LP      05.2017
                Civilizations Vol. 1: Egypt

        A1      Jonas Reinhardt         The Kushite Kings       4:16
        A2      Jonas Reinhardt         Of Amunmose             4:32
        A3      Jonas Reinhardt         Hathor's Trance         6:34
        A4      Jonas Reinhardt         Zythus                  5:26
        B1      Jurgen Müller           Hyksos                  6:26
        B2      Jurgen Müller           Garden Of Nephthys      5:40
        B3      Jurgen Müller           Thebes Triad            5:08
        B4      Jurgen Müller           The Licorice Farmer     3:14
                (Note : LP + 10 p. booklet)
ABSTR   004     COLIN POTTER            THE ABOMINABLE SLOWMAN          LP      11.2017

        1.      Not Yeti
        2.      The Knights Are Drawing In
        3.      Unstable Tennis
        4.      Never Underestimate The Power Of Nothing
        5.      It's Coming

(Note : LP , housed in a bespoke grey cardboard sleeve, hand-printed by letterpress,
        and die cut to reveal the printed inner sleeve, which features a number of
        pictures taken during the recording of the album at IC Studio’s current
        London location)
                : ATLANTIS

        A1      DSR Lines               Panorama                7:28
        A2      DSR Lines               Lineage                 7:04
        A3      DSR Lines               Deluge                  5:26
        B       Bitchin Bajas           Diaspora                20:12
                POR BOCA DE LOS VECINOS

        A1      Dragones Negros                                 5:02
        A2      Esparragosa De Lares                            3:05
        A3      Los Membrillos                                  1:36
        A4      Días De Olivos                                  5:59
        A5      Nombres                                         1:22
        A6      Aguacero                                        4:42
        B1      Cierro Los Ojos                                 4:40
        B2      Un Día Los Dioses                               1:14
        B3      La Pedriza                                      4:08
        B4      Tres Deseos                                     2:29
        B5      Patio Y Noche                                   5:23
        B6      Mar Del Sur                                     1:21
        B7      Cantábrico                                      2:45
        B8      Los Dioses Hablan Por Boca De Los Vecinos       1:39
ABST    7       MIGUEL A. RUIZ          CLIMATERY                       LP      07.2019

        A1      Transparent                                     4:03
        A2      Trivandrum                                      3:59
        A3      Climatery                                       9:41
        B1      Back Lieu                                       6:56
        B2      Entropic                                        7:04
        B3      Papua                                           4:57

Limited to 300 copies, this is a vinyl-reissue of a 1986 cassette album by the Madrid
based experimental/electronic musician. On offer are six tracks with ethnic and exotic
touches, and featuring environmental themes.
ABST    8       MECANICA CLASICA        FILTRACIONES DE LUZ             CS      06.2019

        A1      Distancia Nunca                                 4:16
        A2      Yacimiento                                      6:07
        A3      Filtraciones De Luz                             4:53
        A4      Progresos Del Retroceso                         3:32
        B1      Plan Universal Racional                         5:15
        B2      Inclinación Para Mantos De Caliza               4:32
        B3      Retrocesos Del Progreso                         5:34
        B4      Agua Estanca                                    2:53
ABST    9       MECANICA CLASICA        VIENTOS ELECTRIDOS              LP      11.2019

        1.      Vientos eléctricos hienden
        2.      Oasis
        3.      Huyendo por lm[z]
        4.      Infiernos grandes para seres pequenos
        5.      Síndrome de la mano extrana
        6.      Océano Rojo
        7.      Segundo momento de área
        8.      Dilemas éticos para robots
        9.      Ayer el sol
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
ABST    10      K. LEIMER/MARC BARRECA : THE CHAINS OF BEING            LP      11.2019

        1.      Les Filles De Sainte Colombe                    07:51
        2.      Lurid Chaconne                                  04:00
        3.      Nothing Is Known Of His Childhood               11:16
        4.      The Cult Of Saint Zenobius                      06:31
        5.      The Cult Of Remembrance                         06:38
        6.      The Cult Of Saint Jerome                        07:38

Edition of 300 copies in letterpress sleeve, incl. 6 letterpress cards.
ABST    11      NURSE WITH WOUND        ROCK'N ROLL STATION             2LP     03.2020

        1.      Rock ‘n Roll Station
        2.      The Self Sufficient Sexual Shoe
        3.      Two Golden Microphones
        4.      A Silhouette And A Thumbtack (Dance In Hyperspace)
        5.      R+B Through Collis Browne
        6.      Finsbury Park, May 8th, 1:35pm (I’ll See You In Another World)

Reissue 2LP on Abstrakce. Limited one-off pressing with letterpress cover and a bonus
                CIVILIZATION VOL.3-INDIA

A.      1.      Veda                                            22:34
B.      2.      Yin Yang                                        07:08
        3.      Flute Meditation                                13:40
                (Note : LP , 500 copies in letterpress sleeve with booklet)

Abstrakce delivers the third instalment in its Encyclopedia of Civilizations split
albums, in which two artists share musical insights into ancient cultures. Beautifully
packaged in a letterpress sleeve and featuring a booklet with extensive liner notes,
French musicians Jonathan Fitoussi and Ariel Kalma focus on India with a gentle,
mesmerising journey.
ABST    13      HARI SIMA               FLUIDO TIEMPO                   CS      06.2020

        A1      Energía De Lo Improbable                        5:01
        A2      Transeúnte                                      4:40
        A3      Luminiscencia                                   2:23
        A4      Fluido Tiempo                                   4:19
        A5      Paseando Por Un Páramo Abrupto                  3:39
        B1      Somnium                                         5:09
        B2      PAU                                             5:49
        B3      Cielo Rojo                                      4:50
        B4      Ausencia Sabática                               4:20
ABST    14      SENTUHLA                LA CURVA PARALELA               LP      07.2020

        A1      Termocanal Sin Retorno                          3:58
        A2      Sub Páramo                                      6:08
        A3      La Flamante Travesía                            5:12
        A4      Pecando Cerca                                   4:47
        B1      El Esquema De Tu Latido                         6:28
        B2      El Valle De Los Cantos                          6:42
        B3      El Esquema De Tu Latido                         6:42
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
ABST    15      RAPOON                  VERNAL CROSSING                 2LP     08.2020

        1.      The Same River Once                             10:36
        2.      Sonol                                           02:43
        3.      Yi                                              03:33
        4.      Rains                                           06:07
        5.      Bol Baya                                        09:11
        6.      Dahina Ta                                       06:13
        7.      Anatapurrah                                     07:48
        8.      Total Crossing (Constructed by Colin Potter)    04:29
        9.      Vernal Crossing                                 11:20
        10.     Yi-Tun                                          07:18

Vernal Crossing was the third studio album from former Zoviet France member Robin
Storey, under his alias Rapoon, originally released in 1993 on Staalplaat. A striking
weave of minimalistic percussion and abstract drone textures, it’s been remastered
for this 2xLP re-issue by Colin Potter, who has also constructed an entirely new bonus
track ‘Total Crossing’ for the purpose.
ABST    16      CAM                     QUID RIDES                      LP      03.2021

        A1      Quid Rides                                      4:22
        A2      Tempus Fugit                                    5:41
        A3      Pax                                             4:02
        A4      Ultra Vires                                     4:39
        A5      Ad Hoc                                          4:01
        B1      Vade In Pace                                    6:04
        B2      Ipso Facto                                      5:18
        B3      Locus In Quo                                    5:20
        BB4     Consummatum Est                                 6:01

Reissue of this obscure cassette from 1987, a really interesting rarity by Carl
Matthews under the CAM moniker. Sturdy synth basslines sculpt solid rhythm patterns
that bring to mind the innovations of the moment in electro and dance records.
Having in mind that Matthews was a white ambient composer, it's very curious to find
him dropping these groovy bombs that sound like a primitive Detroit electro or hip
hop beats, mixed with sampled voices that recall Art of Noise influences. Also. to
mention the conceptual work: Quid Rides is inspired in Roman Civilization, as the
name of both the album and tracks point (all of them in Latin). Experimental-roman
electro seems to be a pretty weird label but works fine here...
Mutant-futuristic-proto-electro for Roman statues would work too. Letterpress cover,
including insert with liner notes by Colin Potter. Ed. of 500 copies.
ABST    17      CARL MATTHEWS           COL                             LP      03.2021

                Sculpture Music 1
        A1      Borders
        A2      Neap Tide
        A3      Airwayas
        A4      Ice Dancing
        A5      Veering North
        A6      Col
                Sculpture Music 2
        B7      Shrimp Fishing
        B8      Marsh Sland
        B9      Calm
        B10     Solway Firth
        B11     Migration

Abstrakce Records present one of the most rare, interesting, and difficult-to-find
of Carl Matthews's cassettes. On vinyl for the first time and remastered by Colin
Potter. Composed and recorded at his own home studio in 1991 and influenced by
Harmonia and Cluster, Matthews develops a really personal project. A very delicate
usage of rhythm machines, samplers, sequencers, e-bowed guitars that show up briefly
hinting at a lo-fi Innovative Communication feeling... The capricious nature of these
experiments opens many different doors of wonder to the curious heads, easing deep
listening away from clichéd Berlin School, new age or krautrock -- the most obvious
reference points here --, into a forever-land of non-academic modernism, where to
take shelter and briefly vanish. Quiet but not static, mellow but not too new age-y
and trippin' but not too trancey, this music finds its own space and character in
the world of home recorded electronica. A true jewel of the European electronic
underground. Ed. of 500 copies.
ABST    18      ERIK WOLLO              SILVER BEACH                    2LP     02.2021

LP 1    A1      Four
        A2      Panorama
        A3      The Open Room
        A4      Journey
        B1      The Emeralds
        B2      Crystal-Ice
        B3      Dark Eyed Drums
        B4      Silver Beach

LP 2    C1      Little Big Tune
        C2      Recitation
        C3      Mountain Train
        C4      Aural Light
        C5      Chime
        D1      Sequenza
        D2      Amiga
        D3      Lakeside
        D4      The Wintergarden Ethereal
ABST    19      ROBIN SAVILLE           PUBLIC FLOWERS                  CS      10.2021

        A1      Bryophyte Society Annual Picnic
        A2      A Brief Message From Our Ancestors
        A3      In Konik Mokkin
        A4      The Long Walk From Sallowes Church
        B1      Hilary And Dave's Piano #1
        B2      Nutmeg Saba Cinnamon
        B3      Hilary And Dave's Piano #2
        B4      All Who Are Not On The Rock Are In The Sea
        B5      A Fail All Girl
        B6      A Fail All Girl (Loscil Remix)
ABST    20      MECANICA CLASICA        MAR INTERIOR                    LP      04.2021
ABST    20      MECANICA CLASICA        MAR INTERIOR                    8FLAC   04.2021

        A1      Litoral de Roca                                 4:39
        A2      Columnas de Agua                                4:42
        A3      Ak Deniz                                        4:15
        A4      Hemeroskopeion                                  5:07
        B1      Teselas                                         5:22
        B2      Desde Manana                                    5:37
        B3      Orillas Opuestas                                5:17
        B4      Dunas de Posidonia                              5:06

Electronica, ambient and minimalist music are the watchwords on the new album from
Valencian electronic experimental band Mecánica Clásica. Mastered by Nurse With
Wound’s Colin Potter, ‘Mar Interior’ ruminates on the ancient civilisations that
once populated the region around the Mediterranean, building up psycho-geographical
sound worlds through music reminiscent of genre pioneers like Cluster, Jon Hassell
and Brian Eno.
ABST    21      WAYNE HORWITZ           DINNER AT EIGHT                 LP        .2021

        A1      Dinner At Eight                                 1:41
        A2      This New Generation                             3:24
        A3      3 Questions                                     2:34
        A4      Conjunction For C.B.                            2:26
        A5      True                                            2:49
        A6      Extra Extra                                     3:28
        B1      In Fields They Lay                              2:35
        B2      Second Line                                     4:10
        B3      Danced All Night                                2:29
        B4      These Hard Times                                4:13
        B5      Reprise For C.B.                                3:16

ABST    22      D.K.                    EIGHTEEN MOVEMENTS              LP      12.2021
ABST    22      D.K.                    EIGHTEEN MOVEMENTS              6FLAC   12.2021

        A1      Clarity                                         6:02
        A2      Echo Chamber                                    4:52
        A3      Full Consciousness                              7:41
        B1      Mirror                                          4:48
        B2      The Other Side                                  5:33
        B3      Awakening                                       11:42
                (Note : LP , 500 copies)
ABST    23      JUAN BELDA              JUAN BELDA                      LP      09.2021

        A1      Kay                                             6:45
        A2      La Rosa 64                                      3:54
        A3      Ytak                                            4:14
        A4      Relquiem                                        3:28
        B1      Bam-Balai                                       2:34
        B2      Pierrot                                         4:35
        B3      Outside The World                               4:04
        B4      El Espejo                                       3:45
                (Note : LP/150 g. , 500 copies)
ABST    24      RAPOON                  FALLEN GODS                     2LP     01.2022

A.      1       Sanctum
        2       Iron Path
B.      3       Fallen Gods
        4       Breathing Gold

C.      5       Sataranum
        6       Sacrement
        7       Khomat
D.      8       Dusk Red Walls
        9       Valley

Opening with reverb-drenched evocative and and mystical melody, Rapoon's
(aka Robin Storey) 'Fallen Gods' is a haunting industrial venture into the
abyss of 1994. It amounts to the Newcastle-based artists third album, and is
undoubtedly his most enigmatic, hypnotic and most impressive release to date.




